1. When we run the process for mediation or moderation, how to calculate the value of latent variable(潛在變數)? do we calculate the mean of total measure items. For example, attitude has 3 measure items then we use the mean of 3 measures for attitude construct?
2. Process is also applicable for the construct which has formative indicators(形成型指標)?
3. If my latent construct is 2nd order construct, how to calculate the value of this latent construct? Again, should I get the mean of total of first order constructs? For example, experiential marketing has 4 first order constructs, then the experiential marketing construct is 2nd order so how can I get the value of this 2nd order construct in the process?
1.process 只能處理觀察變數,潛在變數一定要用SEM來進行分析